Number of users: Unlimited
Number of machines: Unlimited
Number of service workstations: Unlimited
Supported machine networks: Unlimited
Number of concurrent service connections: 3
Transfer volume per service connection: 4 GB /month
Transfer volume in total: 12 GB /month
Guaranteed bandwidth: Yes (1 Mbit/s)
Guaranteed availability: Yes (98% p.a.)
Service VPN clients: mGuards, Software Clients
Mobile service VPN clients: Apple iPad, iPhone, Android
Machine VPN clients: mGuard, CLOUD CLIENT, TC ROUTER, PLCnext
Hotline: Telephone, e-mail
Extendable Yes


Permission model: Enhanced (location/machine)
Reporting: Yes
Report filtering: Yes
Report export: Yes (CSV, XLS, PDF)
Two-factor authentication: Yes
Configuration Blueprints: Yes
User groups: Yes (service allocation)
Configurable timeouts: Yes (account, user)
China VPN+ Yes (additionally bookable on European instances)